Posts by Arab Church of Christ (Page 6)

Posts by Arab Church of Christ (Page 6)

back view of lawyer standing in office and looking at window

What are some ways I can identify backsliding?

All of us should be concerned about being faithful to God. It is easy to get sidetracked. Here are a few identifying marks of a backslider: A backslider forgets to read his Bible. Previously, it had a vital place in his life. Now he cuts himself off from his spiritual nourishment. He says he is too busy. A backslider ceases to pray. No longer does he ask God for wisdom and guidance-or to bless others and to forgive his sins.…
Happy family concept. Top view of happy family of three bonding to each other and smiling

How to Improve the Spirituality of Your Family

Introduction: In a busy world it is easy to lose our focus. For example, most parents are running their children to one sport’s activity after another. There seems to be little time for anything else. It takes special effort to maintain and improve our spirituality. I want to give five simple ways to help you improve the spirituality of your family. I. It begins with desire (II Chronicles 15:15; I Peter 2:2). A. You must want to improve the spirituality…
Male and female church members exchanging notes at church doors with bright sunlight in background

Why You Need to be A Member of the Church of Christ

Purpose: To point out the need to return to the New Testament and be members of the Lord’s church. 1. It was built by Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church…” (Matthew 16:18). 2. It is scriptural in name. Paul said, “…the churches of Christ salute you” (Romans 16:16). 3. Christ is its only head. Paul said, “And hath put all things under his…
Young male with raised hands holding the bible near the tribune worshiping god

The God Who Rewards

Introduction: We live in a society where many are saying it is vain to serve God. Our study today will show the great rewards of serving God.    I. God rewards those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). See also Matthew 6:6. II. God rewards those who do good (Ephesians 6:8). See also Luke 6:35; Matthew 25:34-40. III. God rewards those who are obedient (Psalm 19:11). See also Hebrews 5:8, 9. IV. God rewards those who practice self-denial (Mark 10:28-30).…
Wooden summit cross in the alps

The Two-Sided Cross

Purpose: To cause us to appreciate the Cross of Christ more. I. The cross was both ugly and beautiful.    A. It was ugly because our sins were hanging there in the person of Jesus        (Matthew 1:21; I Peter 2:24; II Corinthians 5:21).    B. It was beautiful because it was our savior hanging there, dying for our sins       (Titus 2:14; I John 4:14; Revelation 1:5).    C. It was ugly in that it…