The God Who Rewards

The God Who Rewards

Introduction: We live in a society where many are saying it is vain
to serve God. Our study today will show the great rewards of serving God.

   I. God rewards those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).
See also Matthew 6:6.
II. God rewards those who do good (Ephesians 6:8). See also
Luke 6:35; Matthew 25:34-40.
III. God rewards those who are obedient (Psalm 19:11). See also
Hebrews 5:8, 9.
IV. God rewards those who practice self-denial (Mark 10:28-30).
V. God rewards those who give (Proverbs 3:9, 10). See also Luke 6:38; Acts 20:35; Matthew 6:3, 4.
VI. God rewards those who are faithful (Revelation 2:10). See also
Colossians 1:1, 2; Matthew 5:12; Luke 6:22, 23.
VII. God rewards those who seek for the truth (Acts 8:26-31).

Conclusion: When we compare God’s rewards to what the devil
gives, our choice should be easy. The “God of this world” (II Corinthians 4:4)                                                                            -Satan gives misery and destruction.                                                                                                                               Our God’s rewards are just the opposite and end with the greatest reward of all – Eternal Life.
Ken Tyler


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