Carl Howey told this true story. It was winter in New York City, and an especially cold and bitter night. Very few people were on the subway at that hour. At one station, the subway stopped, and a peculiar looking woman got on. Her clothes were ragged and dirty. She was either extremely tired or very drunk. As the train lurched forward, she stumbled and fell into a seat and went fast asleep. Her hands were nestled inside two tattered worn-out gloves, full of holes. It was difficult for people on the train to take their eyes off this pathetic human derelict, asleep on the subway.
Then a strange thing happened. A young Puerto Rican boy got up to get off the train as it slowed to a stop. He could have gone out the exit closest to him, but he chose to go by the sleeping woman. He paused beside her for a few moments, removed his gloves, laid them on her lap and got off the train.
An act like that, in the dead of the night, in a huge city where no one knew or cared, how could it be? Why did he do such a nice thing? The unanswered questions are there, but so is a strange, warm feeling in the heart.
Kindness is its own reward. The Christian is taught, and the pagan learns that what Jesus said is true: “It is more blessed to give then to receive” (Acts 20:35). It is kindness that brings a little of heaven down to earth and reflects the light of the Divine in the dark of the world.
So Christians, be kind. Do a kindness that is unbidden and unexpected. In the doing, you will shine your light, bless the world, and glorify your Savior. Jesus went about doing good, and he taught us to do the same. We are to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). We are to do good to all men (Galatians 6:10), and we are promised that those who persevere in doing good will receive eternal life (Romans 2:7).
So, whether it be on a dark night where no one can see or in the light of the day with thousands around, remember that One sees and remembers every good that men do. Do it to please Him and that is enough.
David Lusk