Growing Up Without God

Growing Up Without God

It is not our purpose in this article to offer up a big heap of statistics, although this could be profitable.  Suffice it for our purpose to suggest to the reader that you probably know someone who has or who is growing up without God.

Respect for and reverence toward God is a tremendously stabilizing force in our world.  What a shame, what a tragedy, that many children who roam the streets, smoke pot, drink alcoholic beverages, carry weapons — knives, guns, and such like — know little or nothing of God.  Their home life (?) is a shambles. They live in poverty.  They see the rich and well-to-do and covet what they have.  They learn about sex and practice it before they even begin to think (if they ever do) of responsibility.  They often attend school by coercion.  They are subjected to “sexeducation” courses in which they learn how to have “safe sex,” but are taught nothing about morality, God, and restraint.

School halls are filled with profanity, lewd talk, sometimes violence, stealing, deceit, and scurrilous gossip and slander.  The children are growing up without God. Educational institutions, government agencies, numerous homes, social circles, and gangs have out-lawed God.  Children are involved in and growing up in such surroundings — without God.

If our children continue to grow up without God, law and order will become to them a bigger joke.  Criminals will rule society.  Lawlessness will be crowned king.  Christians will be persecuted, even unto death, as were the apostles and early disciples.  And, hell will enlarge its borders.

Surely, the finest thing we can ever do for our growing children is not to provide them with expensive clothes, cars, motorbikes, boats, and such luxury items, but to introduce them to God and teach them the Bible.  Children need to grow up straight and have hope for eternity.

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

Charles E. Cobb


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