Don’t Tie Me Down!

Don’t Tie Me Down!

A preacher was trying to persuade a capable man to teach a Bible class.  The man responded: “I just don’t want to be tied down at this time!”  With kind firmness the preacher looked him right straight in the eyes and said, “You know, we serve a Master who was willing to be tied down; in fact, He was willing to be nailed down!”

Isn’t it interesting how we can freely accept salvation from the nail-pierced hands of Jesus, yet fill our own hands with material things and personal affairs to the end that we have no time for the affairs of Jesus?

There is a great need in the church today for good, sound Bible class teachers.  There is a great need in the church today for soul winners for Jesus.  There is a great need in the church today for those who will live for Jesus and set the right example before others.  There is a great need in the church today for faithful attendance.  There is a great need in the church today for those who will daily go about doing good.  It takes discipline, training, effort, time and dedication.  It takes having our priorities right and realizing what is most important in life.

Don’t Tie Me Down!  How foolish!  Give yourself to the cause.  The cause of Christ is eternal.  Have you forgotten?  Jesus said, “We must take up our cross daily’ (Luke 9:23); and that means being tied down for Jesus.

~Ken Tyler


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