Are you a Christian?
Being a Christian is more than making a claim. Some have claimed to be doctors but were later exposed as frauds and accused of practicing without a license. One is not a Christian unless God calls him one. The term “Christian” in the New Testament is associated with a saved person. Jesus told His disciples to “make disciples” (or followers) by baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:18-20). In Acts 2:38, Peter proclaimed…
Mother’s Beatitudes
Often, we find it hard to express our love for mother. Perhaps the words of a six-year-old would be helpful. Struggling with the mysteries of mathematics, he expressed his affection for his mother this way: “Mommy, I love you as many times as God can count.” Perhaps the following Mother’s Beatitudes might be helpful to our mothers, busy rearing their families and doing all that is involved in the function of their high office: “Blessed is the mother who understands…
How Do Children Learn the Bible?
One of the most marvelous passages of Scripture on child rearing is given in Deuteronomy 6:3-9. “Hear therefore, O Israel, and observe to do it; that it may be well with thee, and that ye may increase mightily, as the Lord God of thy fathers hath promised thee, in the land that floweth with milk and honey. Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and…
Barely Time for Me
I haven’t time to teach right now, I’m busy, can’t you see! You’ll have to look for someone else – I’ve barely time for me. I’d like to help and fix that pie, The family is bereaved; But you’ll have to talk to someone else – I’ve barely time for me. Our meeting was a real disgrace, No one came, you see; I would have come myself, but then I’ve barely time for me. There’s so much good I need…
A Better Church
In I Corinthians 12, the body of Christ is likened to the physical body. From the physical standpoint we understand the importance of each member of our body. In the same way, and even to a far greater extent, each member of the body of Christ is of great importance. In verses 25 and 26, Paul tells us how each member of the body of Christ is to feel about one another. Listen, “. . .there should be no schism…
SALVATION — Build Your Hopes on Things Eternal
In the latter part of the fourth century B.C., Alexander the Great led the Greeks on a world conquest. He was very successful, extending the influence, culture, and language of Greece widely. But now, centuries later, only remnant pieces remain to tell us of the grandeur that once was. And preceding the Greeks were a number of others, such as Egypt under the Pharaohs. What enormous wealth was theirs! And the splendor of their kingdom was of great renown. But…
You and Worship
One day the famous orator Henry Ward Beecher had to be absent from the Plymouth church where he usually preached. His brother was invited to speak for him. The auditorium was crowded, but when it became evident that the eloquent Henry Ward Beecher was not going to appear, many started to leave the building. The brother of Beecher was not disturbed. He stood up before the murmuring crowd, called for silence and said, “All who came this morning to worship…
One of the great blessings of heaven is that it is a place of rest (Hebrews 4:11). Heaven is a place of rest from certain things. Consider this rest very carefully. (1) Rest from troubles. Paul told the persecuted brethren at Thessalonica, “And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels (II Thessalonians 1:7). When Jesus comes and takes you to heaven there will be no more…
The word purpose is a very simple word. It means “To intend or resolve; determination; aim; what one strives for.” From this word we can have a good Bible study. Solomon said in I Kings 5:5, “I purpose to build an house unto the name of the Lord my God.” In the New Testament the house of God is His church (I Timothy 3:14, 15). Can we all say that our purpose is to build the Lord’s church? David said…
The preacher and the father of the bride were standing together talking shortly before the father was to give his daughter away to be married. It was a very serious moment for the father, and he wasn’t paying much attention to what the preacher was saying. Suddenly, he said out loud, “I wonder when the last time was that I held her. If I had known, it was going to be the last time I would have held her longer.”…
A city man spent his vacation on a cattle ranch and learned some interesting lessons. He rode with the cowboys on a roundup. There was one wild steer that didn’t want to be driven to the corral. He wouldn’t drive. Neither would he be pulled. When roped, he would lie down and twist and roll. He was the wildest, meanest thing that ever walked on four hoofs. He charged everyone who came near. This steer meant he was not going…
A few days ago, I passed an old farm that had suffered the ravages of neglect. The pastures were covered with weeds and briers as tall as my head. The tin on the old barn was missing and the wood was rotten. The old house was falling apart with weeds and bushes growing up around it. This farm once housed a happy family and was productive with crops and livestock. This scene reminded me how it is with so many…