Acts (Written by Luke)

Acts (Written by Luke)

The book of Acts is an extremely important book because it gives us the beginning and history of the Lord’s church from about 33 A.D. to 62 A.D.  Peter, who had been given the keys to open the kingdom or church (Matthew 16:18,19), is the main character of the first twelve chapters and Paul is the main character of chapters thirteen through twenty-eight.  It has rightly been called the book of Conversions because we read of thousands obeying the gospel of Christ.  The book closes with Paul in prison at Rome where he wrote Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon.  In Colossians 1:23 he said the gospel had been preached to every creature under heaven.  Truly these brethren “turned the world upside down” for Christ (Acts 17:6).  The book records three missionary journeys of the apostle Paul.  The first is in Acts 13,14; the second begins in Acts 15:36 and ends in 18:22; the third begins in 18:23 and ends in 21:16.  Below is a list of the main events in each chapter of the book of Acts.

  1. The ascension of Christ.
  2. The beginning of the church.
  3. The healing of the lame man.
  4. Peter and John are apprehended in Jerusalem.
  5. The first sin in the church- Ananias and Sapphira.
  6. The first problem in the church-seven deacons appointed (Stephen, Phillip, etc.).
  7. The stoning of Stephen.
  8. The conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch.
  9. The conversion of Saul of Tarsus.
  10. The conversion of Cornelius and his household (first Gentiles).
  11. The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
  12. Herod killed James the brother of John.
  13. The beginning of first missionary journey.
  14. Elders appointed at Lystra, Iconium and Antioch.
  15. The Jerusalem conference on circumcision.
  16. The conversion of the Philippian jailor and his household.
  17. Paul’s famous sermon on Mars’ Hill in Athens.
  18. The conversion of the Corinthians.
  19. The rebaptism of the twelve at Ephesus.
  20. The Lord’s Supper on Sunday the first day of the week.
  21. Paul is taken captive in Jerusalem.
  22. Paul’s defense in Jerusalem.
  23. The conspiracy of more than forty men to kill Paul resulting in Paul being moved to Caesarea.
  24. Paul before the Roman Governor Felix.
  25. Paul before the Roman Governor Festus where he appealed to Caesar.
  26. Paul before King Agrippa.
  27. The voyage to Rome and the great storm.
  28. Paul arrives at Rome.


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