How to Improve the Spirituality of Your Family

How to Improve the Spirituality of Your Family

Introduction: In a busy world it is easy to lose our focus. For example, most parents are running
their children to one sport’s activity after another. There seems to be little time for anything else.
It takes special effort to maintain and improve our spirituality. I want to give five simple ways to
help you improve the spirituality of your family.

I. It begins with desire (II Chronicles 15:15; I Peter 2:2).
A. You must want to improve the spirituality of your family.
B. You must pay the price to improve the spirituality of your family.
C. You must make it the top priority!
II. Pray together at meals (Matthew 14:19-21).
A. Praying together at meals acknowledges that you recognize your blessings come from
God and are thankful for them (James 1:17).
B. With your meals mainly in the SUV and restaurant, don’t forget to pray.
C. When David blessed the Lord, he gave this statement as one of the blessings, “Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things” (Psalm 103:5).
III. Get your family together for a Bible reading and prayer before you go to bed (II Timothy 3:15).
A. This will keep you close to God and to one another.
B. If the day has been difficult, it will give your family the peace it needs.
C. It will also keep you in God’s forgiveness and you can rest knowing “It is well with your
IV. As a family go and visit and help someone with a special need (Galatians 6:10).
A. When you lift someone’s burden your family will recognize the blessedness of service.
B. Our children are now grown and I can see a real caring attitude toward others because
we practiced this as they were growing up.
C. Going “about doing good” (Acts 10:38), as a family will make a huge difference in the
spirituality of your family.
V. As a family attend all Bible classes and worship services of the church (Luke 4:16; Hebrews 10:25).
A. It should be obvious that being together for Bible classes and worship increases spirituality.
B. Many families, who at one time attended here and then started missing and finally quit,
are in ruin today because they allowed their spirituality to die.
C. I see families in our congregation that are struggling with Bible class and worship attendance and I wonder where they are headed!

Conclusion: Improving the spirituality of your family must be the top priority. Our time is really
limited when it comes to our children. I urge you to examine your focus and desire and get busy.

Ken Tyler


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