Posts from August 2024

Posts from August 2024


You went through an entire song service without even thinking about what we were singing? You bowed your head and closed your eyes during the prayer, but you really didn’t become involved in the prayer? You were more interested in when he would finish the sermon than in what he was saying during the sermon? You allowed some minor noise near you to completely upset you so that you could not really worship? These and many other things often happen,…

Growing Up Without God

It is not our purpose in this article to offer up a big heap of statistics, although this could be profitable.  Suffice it for our purpose to suggest to the reader that you probably know someone who has or who is growing up without God. Respect for and reverence toward God is a tremendously stabilizing force in our world.  What a shame, what a tragedy, that many children who roam the streets, smoke pot, drink alcoholic beverages, carry weapons —…

God’s Will or Your Will?

In Matthew 6:10 we are taught to pray “. . .THY WILL Be DONE IN EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.”  We all know that God’s will is perfectly done in heaven.  We should desire the same to be done in earth.  Let’s bring it closer to home.  Have you ever prayed, “Thy will be done in my life as it is in heaven?”  This is such a challenging statement.  In this petition we are giving up self and earnestly…


The apostle Paul said in Romans 11:22, “Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God. . .” This statement obviously divides itself into two parts: (1) The goodness of God; and (2) The severity of God. These two great attributes of God will serve as the basis for our study in this article. First, The Goodness of God. Where would we be without the goodness of God? We know from II Peter 3:9 that God “. . . is longsuffering…