Posts from July 2024

Posts from July 2024

Facts About The Lord’s Supper

“The breaking of bread” became the name for this institution (Lord’s Supper), Acts 2:42; 20:7; I Cor. 10:16; 11:23 (W.E. Vine Dictionary of N.T. words, p. 146). The same Greek word (artos-bread) is used for the Lord’s Supper as well as a common meal (Thayer’s Greek English Lexicon of the N.T. p. 76). Therefore, the context of the passage must determine whether it is the Lord’s Supper or a common meal.  It is obvious from the following facts that Acts…

Don’t Tie Me Down!

A preacher was trying to persuade a capable man to teach a Bible class.  The man responded: “I just don’t want to be tied down at this time!”  With kind firmness the preacher looked him right straight in the eyes and said, “You know, we serve a Master who was willing to be tied down; in fact, He was willing to be nailed down!” Isn’t it interesting how we can freely accept salvation from the nail-pierced hands of Jesus, yet…

Don’t Corrupt God’s Word

The apostle Paul said in II Corinthians 2:17, “For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God . . .” From this verse we see that there were many people in Paul’s day who were corrupting the word of God.  I wonder what he would say today if he lived in America which is filled with religious division evidenced by over 1,000 churches.  With the passing of centuries and the growth in population, the departure from God’s…

A President’s Example

Several years ago, the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri made public 1,300 recently discovered letters that the president wrote to his wife, Bess, over the course of a half-century.  Mr. Truman had a lifelong rule of writing to his wife every day they were apart.  He followed this rule whenever he was away on official business or whenever Bess left Washington to visit her beloved Independence.  We should be impressed by the simple fact that every day he…

A Plan for Unity

Churches of Christ are interested in unity.  We recognize our own personal shortcomings and weaknesses–and therefore want to carefully follow the all-sufficient and perfect plan God has for the church (II Timothy 3:16,17). Non-denominational.  We believe religious division is against God’s will.  Jesus prayed for unity (John 17), and the apostle Paul begged those who were divided to unite in Christ (I Corinthians 1:10).  We do not conceive of ourselves as being a denomination–nor as Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish–but simply…